Friday, August 31, 2007

Thing 20

I can easily see why YouTube is so addictive. I put in searches for "1960s commercials" and for "1980s music videos", and was transported back to the good 'ol days when commercials were fun, and when music videos were just MUSIC and not the equivalent of a Hollywood blockbuster along with an overwrought "storyline" and over-the-top special effects. So, it was fun to see all these, and a little scary to realize how drawn in I was by everything, and how tempted I was to just keep looking at all there was. As far as posting a video, I did a keyword search for Audrey Hepburn and found this utterly fascinating one called "Women in Film". Not only do you see each face of these great actresses morph into the next one, but you get to listen to this lovely cello solo in the background.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I found very little entertainment on YouTube. A few laughs, but not a steady diet.