Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thing 16

I enjoyed visiting the Princeton Public Library's "Book Lover's Wiki". I most definitely think having patrons review books is a worthwhile endeavor for a library. So many patrons ask us librarians what we think of certain titles, and while I am a voracious reader, I can't possibly read everything, needless to say, and professional reviews, while very worthwhile, sometimes don't give you that "from the heart" impression that a regular reader would. I enjoy reading the reader reviews on Amazon, for example, because you get a nice range of opinions, and again, I like that personal touch. And, I thought the ALA New Orleans 2006 wiki was great for people not familiar with either the city or the conference. The tips on where to visit and where to eat, for example would have been most helpful to someone going there.
As far as libary applications, I would love, as I mentioned above, to enable patrons to add their reviews of a book. I also can see the value, from looking at other libraries' wikis, of the library as a community resource in that people could add informtion about events such as fairs, concerts or meetings.

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